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Transpersonal Kinesiology

Understanding that there is an energetic connection between your mind, body and spirit or soul consciousness via your subtle anatomy—the auras, meridians, chakras and nadis, and other systems—I use transpersonal kinesiology techniques, including simple muscle testing, to tap into this universal source of wisdom.

These sessions can help you with life design, developing self-awareness, decision-making, overcoming obstacles, and for personal and spiritual growth.

90 mins $170 (Initial/Extended)
60 mins $120 (Standard return session: existing clients only)

Available by appointment

Cash, or CC/Eftpos* (*Transaction fees apply) 
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What is Transpersonal Kinesiology?

Are you aware of the obstacles that stand in the way of you living your best life?

A transpersonal kinesiology session helps you to explore your stories. Narrative theory informs us about how our stories have created who we are now and how they can help us to shape who we want to be in future. Exploring our personal narrative can reveal why we behave and respond in the ways we do, including why we hold back from doing what we love, want, or need to do to reach our full potential.

Maybe you are interested in personal development and increased self-awareness. In that case, you may have been encouraged to journal or carry out some similar practice to help you explore what speaks to your soul and brings wellbeing into everyday life. Or maybe you journal or reflect upon how to work through life’s challenges. Yet these practises largely depend on the answers residing within easy mental reach or being able to be bought forth into your conscious awareness without too much effort or reflection.

What if this doesn’t happen to you? Or maybe you have an answer, but nothing changes—what’s that all about?

It may be because there are hidden blocks—a much deeper obstacle affecting the flow of energies in and around you, created in the past, and of which you are unaware.

A transpersonal kinesiology session can help you find and unpack what stands in the way of you creating your best life—a life that includes regularly doing what makes your heart sing and allows your spirit to soar. A life where you can identify and overcome obstacles in your way, make the decision that best suits you, or more easily adapt to some twist of fate you are faced with right now.

How does muscle testing work?

When you share your goals, desires and thoughts during a session, any stressors you may be holding in relation to these trigger a muscular response that can be detected—this is known as biofeedback. Often, our muscle responses are linked to answers we would not expect, and these “issues in the tissues” can reveal hidden motivations and challenges that we have masked or buried deeply, or we may not have been aware of them at all. Shining a light onto these blocks allows you to explore whether they serve any purpose (they are often an old pattern of behaviour, a core belief or a thought process that may have helped us in the past but then became a ‘stuck’ response—one that we should have moved past and grown out of but didn’t). And whilst this may be a thought or belief on one level, this also manifests as a disturbance in one of the many energetic bodies and weaves, so a shift in thought process and a correction of this energetic dissonance is required to move forward once more as you are meant to.

Indeed, illuminating past (or maybe current) issues and seeking to understand them allows us to let them go and replace them with a new narrative of our choosing that supports us to grow and move forward—better informed and equipped with deeper self-awareness. Working in the energy fields helps reinforce our choices at the subtle level.

Knowing all this, when you focus in on how things are for you, does everything feel simple and free-flowing? Or could you benefit from more self-care and prioritising time each day to elevate your heart and spirit? Do you put your needs first or never seem to find the time? Are you feeling ‘stuck’ in some way and unsure which direction to go? These are good examples of a hidden inner block standing in your way—one that a transpersonal kinesiology session could illuminate.

Maybe it’s time to see what your muscles say!

What does transpersonal mean?

The term transpersonal explains the life experiences and sense of identity that extends beyond what we may consider as our ‘self’ and connects us with everything across the universal realms. It is that which is ‘more than our physical self’. Some people relate to it simply as the spiritual aspect of self.

Transpersonal themes may include spiritual development, matters of the psyche (a term used to describe the mind, spirit, and soul consciousness all at once), mystical experiences, spiritual practices and evolution and expansive experiences of living.

Working in a transpersonal way in a holistic therapeutic setting involves an emphasis being placed on matters of spirituality or soul consciousness. I also incorporate awareness of the many and varied spiritual and energy healing practices from around the world and use energy healing techniques.

Why I specialise in transpersonal kinesiology

Whilst studying holistic kinesiology (PKP) and other kinesiology methodologies that focus on physical, chemical, emotional (and sometimes spiritual) issues, I was drawn more and more towards the energetic imbalances resonating at the spiritual or soul consciousness levels. Whether this was because my longest consistent practice with a healing art was working with Reiki energy, the additional energy medicine techniques I have learnt over the past 25+ years, or some other force is at play—this is, as yet, unclear. What I do know is that this is the work I am called to do—to work more deeply with people at the intersection between their energy field, inner wisdom and the universal consciousness.

It’s not difficult to relate if you consider the field of energy we reside within, which extends out into the universe from deep within us. Any disturbance in one or more of the many weaves will impact our sense of wellbeing; from then, it manifests in different ways for each of us. Yet our psyche knows what it needs and wants to become balanced; we simply need to ‘listen’ and connect this inner wisdom to our conscious awareness; biofeedback can help us to do this if you know how to watch for the signs.

What this means is, unlike many kinesiologists, I don’t test for allergies, recommend supplements, or work on ailments of the physical body specifically. Instead, I explore resonant imbalances that may be impacting you and correct these. This doesn’t mean there is nothing for you to do, though! There is always some narrative to discuss and conscious choices for you to make: remember, you are the only one who can heal yourself; I am simply a facilitator.

What happens in a session?

For starters, you need to bring an open mind and a willingness to explore what comes up—it may not be what you are consciously expecting, but that’s the psyche for you! Know that whatever is revealed is what you can handle—you are wiser and stronger than you may realise. The testing is easy, you simply relax on a massage table (fully clothed), and I will test one or more muscles (usually the arms) as we explore together. It is a collaborative experience; I will offer what I detect, and it will be up to you to ‘make sense’ of it, though occasionally, I might make suggestions to see what resonates with you.

That said, it is not divination, so I cannot tell you the answers to your questions, though I will help you reflect on what comes up. Whilst exploring what is standing in the way of you achieving what it is you want or need, it is common to connect with past events and to gain insight on thought processes, limiting beliefs or self-sabotaging behaviours. Every balance is unique to that session, but it is common to find there is an ‘aha’ moment ready to be revealed and some insight to come to you.

It’s not uncommon for more understanding to come later, too, after the session—growing in self-awareness is an ongoing process! And whilst each session is complete in itself, it can also be helpful to attend a few sessions to continue to explore the same theme and work through any related obstacles or self-sabotage behaviours, but that’s always up to you. Reflecting and journaling after a session can certainly help you process and is recommended (I encourage art journaling as there are not always words to explain what we are experiencing).

Some of which informs me in my work and personal practises are specific studies in transpersonal arts psychotherapy (e.g., shamanic practices, ritual, and Jungian dreamwork), my reiki master teacher training and 25+ years of practice with this method, advanced energy healing training (esoteric acupuncture/acupressure), several decades of personal meditation and yoga experience and a lifetime of transcendental study and experiences.

I think it is important to note that whilst some consider the term ‘spiritual’ to refer to religion, I separate the two. Whereas religions are organised practices that some choose to be members of, spirituality is individual—a uniquely personal experience and connection to the universal planes of consciousness. It is only the latter that I resonate with in my personal and professional life.
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Jo Herbert-Doyle

Holistic Therapies for Improved Wellbeing, Life Design, Personal & Spiritual Growth
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Phone: +61 458 544 105
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**Relocating to new premises
QLD 4870
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